Batman 2021 | New Movie OST Theme / Upcoming movie original music soundtrack / Robert Pattinson

Music theme song for upcoming new movie about Batman starring Robert Pattinson as The Dark Knight himself. Composer & author [club50060505|@nlightman] HELP this song to reach movie producers with hashtag #signonthecloudsforwarner 🎶🎶🎶🎶🎶🎶🎶🎶🎶🎶🎶🎶 Hi, everybody! I composed this song inspired by Hans Zimmer OST for Christopher Nolan’s trilogy about The Dark Knight. I hope real fans will appriciate lyrics and atmosphere I made. Please, tell me you feelings! Thank you for listening! =) ➞ subscribe ✝ ============================================ ➞ ➞ ➞ ➞ #batman #batman2021 #batmanmovie [id12317|@batman] [club73478730|@warnerbrosentertainment] [id223790718|@robertpattinsonofficial] #robertpattinson #pattinson #hanszimmer [club67050819|@hanszimmer] #darkknight #thedarkknight #NLIGHTMΛN #bat #gotham #gothamknight #robertpattinsonbatman #movieost #ost #composer #Musician
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