She DIED Here | The Story Behind the Owners of this Now Abandoned House!!

Live(In) the Life Once located in a wonderfully quiet rural area surrounded by forest and agricultural land, we find a small street with about 5 abandoned houses. The properties were bought for redevelopment and are currently being replaced with higher density housing. One of the homes has already been demolished with another house that looks like it had burned down. There are also a few outbuildings on some of the properties along with the remains of a couple vehicles as well as a small motorcycle. With half of the new development already completed, this area is going through a huge transformation and will never look the same! Today we will be visiting the final of the three homes, the house was owned by a man named Bill and his wife Christine. They were married very late in life, in fact it was not until 2007 when they tied the knot and at the time, Christine was 69 years old. They both loved cats and had numerous strays make their house a second home, allowing them to co
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