This Daily Habit Will Prime Your Brain To Be Its Best | Tony Robbins

Your MORNING ROUTINE has a lasting impact on the rest of your day. Use this 15-min PRIMER as a preparation tool to start the day FOCUSED, ENERGIZED, CREATIVE, CENTERED and CONNECTED to your ultimate outcomes. It establishes a foundation of GRATITUDE for everything that’s guided us to this moment and the opportunity to START FRESH. If you have obstacles that are holding you back from who you want to be, PRIMING is one of the most effective tools for bridging that gap. 💥PRIME YOURSELF! YOU DECIDE WHAT TO FOCUS ON OR THE WORLD WILL GLADLY DECIDE FOR YOU. If you’ve been to any of our live seminars, you’ve experienced PRIMING in person. It’s a simple visualization meditation at its core, but it’s one of those things that you can’t just cognitively know— you’ve gotta DO it to experience the benefits of its power. This video will guide you through your own At Home Priming Exercise. Here are the steps so you are prepared to get the most out of this transfor
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