Full Jedi Team Decimates Both GL Rey & Kylo!! - SWGOH
The Jedi remain a great offensive option. In some of these fights against GL Rey they managed to finish the fight with full health & protection.
(Stats for CLS fight:)
R5 CLS: 293 Speed, 46684 Health, 50547 Protection, 6292 Damage
R5 Chewbacca: 251 Speed, 51414 Health, 66832 Protection, 8677 Damage
R7 Han: 235 Speed, 65239 Health, 40161 Protection, 8070 Damage
R7 R2D2: 289 Speed, 73275 Health, 38688 Protection, 11062 Damage
R3 C3PO: 272 Speed, 60345 Health, 69408 Protection, % Potency
(Stats for Kylo