羊文学 - 1999 / THE FIRST TAKE

「THE FIRST TAKE」は、一発撮りのパフォーマンスを鮮明に切り取るYouTubeチャンネル。 第389回は海外単独公演の開催やアジア各地の大型フェスへ出演するなど、躍進中のバンド羊文学が再登場。披露するのは、世紀末を題材として作られ、インディーロックとゴスペルを掛け合わせたようなサウンドを持つ新世代のクリスマスソング「1999」。儚げな雰囲気の中、ハモリの美しさが際立つ一発撮りにてパフォーマンス。 STREAMING & DOWNLOAD: ■羊文学 OFFICIAL Web Site: YouTube: @hitsujibungaku_official Instagram: X: TikTok: @hitsujibungaku_official ■「THE FIRST TAKE」OFFICIAL Web Site: Instagram: X: TikTok: @the_first_take THE FIRST TIMES: ■RULES 白いスタジオに置かれた一本のマイク。 ここでのルールはただ一つ。 一発撮りのパフォーマンスをすること。 A microphone and a white studio. And 1 rule. You’ve got 1 TAKE. ■STATEMENT ありのままの自分を。 ありの...ままの音楽を。 一度きりにこめる。 THE FIRST TAKE ありのままの世界へ。 Your Music. Your Everything. All in this one take. THE FIRST TAKE Less Filter, More Music. Episode 389 welcomes back Hitsujibungaku, the Japanese band making global strides with headline performances overseas and active participation in various Asian festivals, to THE FIRST TAKE. They will perform “1999,” a Christmas song of the next era about the turn of the century with a sound that blends indie rock with gospel music. Enjoy the evanescent ambiance of this one-shot performance that accentuates the exquisite harmonies within the song. CREDITS ― Director/Creative Director: Keisuke Shimizu Art Director: Yo Kimura Copywriter: Hiroshi Yamazaki Director of Photography: UTSUMI Photography Assistant: Celine O’Connor Technical Coordinator/VE: Takeshi Nagamine (lucky by lucky) VE: Momori Harigae (lucky by lucky) Camera Assistant: Shoko Honda, Kotaro Yaiki, Aoi Murakumo (lucky by lucky) Lighting Director: Jun Sakai Lighting Assistant: Takayuki Takimoto, Hiroyuki Nakano, Tsuyoshi Inoue, Kozue Saida, Hidetaka Sato Stage Carpenter: studio noll Offline Editor: Yusuke Namiki (FAB) Colorist/Online Editor: Ryosuke Ichikawa (MARUNI STUDIO) Production Assistant: Kai Takaha, Nanami Sato (FAB) Production Manager: Masato Kudo (FAB) Producer: Hazuki Hasegawa (FAB) Stylist: Tsugumi Watari (TW) Hair&Make up: kika #THEFIRSTTAKE #羊文学 #1999
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