CRICKET: Test match start delayed by downpour (1926)

GAUMONT GRAPHIC NEWSREEL (REUTERS) To license this film, visit England v Australia test match at Old Trafford is delayed by heavy rain. Full Description: SLATE INFORMATION: Test Match Fever at Manchester. Early crowds assemble despite rain which becomes a downpour and delays the start ENGLAND: Manchester: Old Trafford: EXT Crowds along outside cricket ground Australian cricketers Warren Bardsley and Charlie McCartney practicing in the nets Australia win the toss Covers removed and replaced as it begins to rain Politicians Sir John Simon MP (Liberal), John Wheatley MP (Labour) and John Robert Clynes MP (Labour) sheltering from downpour People along in rain, then sheltering under umbrellas in stands, then away from cricket ground as rain pours down Background: England v Australia test match at Old Trafford is delayed by heavy rain. FILM ID: VLVAAQMGMJZQLGPFHY58P2ZWWDA6F To license this film, visi
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