Drunk Russian wife attacks refugee husband holding baby

After being out all day with our sick baby in temperatures of minus 8 and then coming home after midnight drunk I expressed my strong displeasure to my drunk Russian wife. She then proceeded to destroy the apartment and chase me around the flat hitting me while I was holding the baby who was overheated and sick and very sleepy. I called her parents and tried to get them to calm her down but nothing worked so I decided to film her and informed her of this so that she would stop attacking me. She hit me in the ear and I lost part of my hearing in that ear and she started provoking me so that I would react. She then started screaming that she was leaving with the baby at 1 in the morning. I told her the baby would be going to sleep in its bed and that she had better calm down. She threatened to call the police and say I would not let her leave with the baby at 1 in the morning. I would have welcomed that as the police would then see that she had destroyed half of my possessions and was behaving in a completely inappropriate manner. Even though she knew I was filming her she attacked me at the end of the video and took my phone away. She has since filed a false police report saying she was afraid of me and that I was threatening her and when I was at work left with the baby after she took all of the money for rent and had me borrow money to pay off her credit card after she promised to return the money straight away. Before leaving she had managed to erase this video no knowing that I keep a back up. She is refusing to allow me to see my daughter and I feel that my daughter is in danger. No one believes that men can be the victims of domestic abuse and she plays the role of the poor scared little lady so well that everyone believes her. As you can see in the video she is not scared of anything at all, even the camera that is filming her. I merely want to see my daughter and know that she is well. The problem is that she is a Muscovite and I am a American with asylum, a refugee, and I have no rights. The police were told and can do nothing they said. They told me I have to get a court order. In order to do so and defend myself and my daughter I need a lawyer. I need your help if you can. Thank you.
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