Bad Cop Bad Cop: A Battlefield 3 Montage

A Battlefield 3 Montage Played and Edited by Golden3ye My 2nd BF3 Montage. I recorded a days worth of gaming and edited it down to a 4 minute movie. I listened to comments and didn’t use a song with lyrics. This is how I play every game. You wont see skid loader c4 jihads, 360 jump no scope sniper headshots ejecting out of a plane. I play to win and sometimes it isn’t very glamorous. If you liked it please bump/like my topics on battlelog and reddit: Some questions I get pretty often: -What mouse do you use? --Logitech G500 -What sensitivity? --Idk, kind of high -Why dont you use the G18 pistol -- Magnum can kill in 1 hit -Why do you play recon --Rifle can kill in 1 hit -Why do you hipfire all the time
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