Building a House on The Hill Diorama | Step by Step
Building a House on The Hill Diorama | Step by Step
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Materials :
- Styrofoam
- skewers (tusuk sate)
- Glue (Lem)
- Alcohol (alkohol)
- Sand (Pasir)
- Acrylic Paint (Cat Akrilik)
- Static Grass (Rumput Statis)
- Small Rocks (Bebatuan Kecil)
- Compound
- Miniature House (Miniatur Rumah)
- Clump Foliage (Serbuk Daun)
- Miniature tree (Miniatur Pohon)
How to Make Clump Foliage (Waterproof) for dioramas | Cara Membuat Serbuk Daun Miniatur (tahan air)
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