Autism Speaks is the most popular autism research organization in the U.S. They have support from loads of autism moms and people who work with autistic kids. But they’ve had a very controversial past with attempts to raise awareness like the infamous “I Am Autism” and “Autism Every Day” videos. But they’ve also been criticized for using the puzzle piece logo, promoting applied behavioral analysis (ABA) and searching for the cure to “the autism epidemic.” Today we’re going over the many reasons (past & present) that Autism Speaks is trash.
I made a couple mistakes in the most recent video.
I criticized Universal Healthcare some people thought I meant I don’t support it at all. I am a socialist at minimum and in full support of universal healthcare.
I left out the context of UK Do Not Resuscitate Orders on disabled people. I for some reason assumed everyone would know what I was talking about, and because of that I said it in a very misleading way. Firstly, the UK was accused of putting several disabled (autistic/learning disabilities) people on DNRs specifically in 2020/2021 during covid. Leaving that out made it seem like a current thing, I apologize for that. Secondly, this only allegedly happened. According to this report several disabled people responded to a survey saying they were put on DNRs or asked to sign them (when they shouldn’t have been). But we only have their word. It is not an objective fact that this happened, it’s just what disabled people say they experienced. The English NHS clarifies that this is not supposed to happen in this statement, and says any of those questionable DNRs from 2020/21 were put under review. I apologize for not making that clear.
I said Autism Speaks worked with Sesame St on creating Julia, which they didn’t. Autistic Self-Advocacy Network worked with them to create Julia, then left when Autism Speaks got involved later.
The only mother in the video I was calling a bad parent was the one who talked about wanting to k*ll her daughter. The rest was a criticism of how autism speaks, framed the video, edited it, and what prompts they gave the moms to talk about. I should have made that more clear.
Thank you for all of the support on the video, and especially thanks to the commenters who pointed out these flaws. This correction will appear as a pinned comment on the original video, a community tab post, and in the description of the video.
Autistic Women & Non-binary Network
Self-Advocates Becoming Empowered
Autistic People of Color Fund
Autistic Self-Advocacy Network
Cash App: $fosterthefrog
Autism Speaks Founders:
Autism Speaks Mission:
Autism Speaks Q&A:
Daughter’s Death Puts focus on toll of Autism:
Autism Speaks Budget:
Autism Genome Project: #:
Forced Sterilization in the US:
Ivar Lovaas Feminine Boy Project:
Non-Speaking Autistics on ABA Therapy:
Autism Speaks Interventions:
Cure Autism Now:
Autism Speaks & AGRE:
Autism Genetic Research:
Autism Speaks Research:
Autism Every Day:
I Am Autism:
I Am Autism Transcript:
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