Leather Project: Nintendo Switch Leather Case

Tools, Material & Pattern: Simple, easy to do protective carry case for your Switch console. This leather case design is able to store any Switch console with its Joy-Con attached, three game cartridges and five memory cards. Download a free template and follow the video to put together your case. You an also add optional strap to carry the case when you’re out and about. 大人小孩手中都有一台Switch 默默成為現在流行的趨勢~ 身為熱愛玩遊戲的你 怎麼可以錯過這個超實用配件呢? 皮革材質,提升質感 多卡槽設計,增加收納空間 放在包包裡,防塵又防刮 攜帶好方便,出門再也不煩惱!
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