Roots reggae dub selection strictly woman

Tracklist: Audrey Hill - Groove Situation Carlene Davis - Ism Schism Ophelia - I man Suffering Judy Mowatt - Black Woman Yvonne Sterling - Oh jah Sis Nya - Works of Jah Valerie Stuart - Black Heart Samantha Rose - Tell me what’s wrong Nadine Suterland - Starvation on the land Novelette Barnett - Fire de a town Paulette Pearce - Live and Learn Sonya Spence - Peace and Unity Paula Clarke - University Senya - Rootsman Merva Grier - Feeling like a million Jennifer Lara - Hand to mouth Foxy Brown - Always for me Joy White - Dread out Deh Sena - Too late Paulette Wright - Protect the earth Rasheda - Give jah praise
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