12 Facts About the “Pandemic” That Could Have Conspiracy Deniers Filling Their Diapers

Time to get the facts about the “pandemic” and realize the biggest conspiracy theories are those perpetuated by the government, mainstream media, and their intellectually lazy minions. “I am so glad that after nearly a year and a half of commenting that this pandemic is a fraud that people are spreading the word using solid evidence. But you did forget a few facts that may help to make people aware of the fraud. Such as: Medicaid and Medicare paid hospitals $13, more if they diagnosed a patient with Covid19 and an extra $39, if they were put on a ventilator. With almost 90% of those who went on a ventilator dying, it sure made the death numbers go up. Lets not forget the CDC’s letter to hospitals changing the way death certificates are filled out. They didn’t even need a false PCR test if the patient had any symptoms that resembled Covid19 symptoms it was to be listed as the primary cause of death - read full descr here:
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