A wild wasp on the flowers of Lactuca serriola in early September 2021 年 月上旬 花上的野蜂 月初旬にトゲチシャの花に野生のハチ

Lactuca serriola, also called prickly lettuce, milk thistle (not to be confused with Silybum marianum, also called milk thistle), compass plant, and scarole, is an annual or biennial plant in the dandelion tribe within the daisy family. It has a slightly fetid odor and is commonly considered a weed of orchards, roadsides and field crops. It is the closest wild relative of cultivated lettuce (Lactuca sativa L.). Lactuca serriola is known as the compass plant because in the sun the upper leaves twist round to hold their margins upright. Lactuca serriola is native to Europe, Asia, and north Africa, and has become naturalized elsewhere. Lactuca serriola has a spineless reddish stem, containing a milky latex, growing up to 2 metres (6 ft 7 in). The leaves get progressively smaller as they reach its top. They are oblong or lanceolate, often pinnately lobed and (especially for the lower leaves), waxy grey green. Fine spines are present along the veins and leaf edges. The undersides have whitish veins. They emit latex when cut. The flower heads are 1–1.5 cm (1⁄2–1⁄2 in) wide,[10] pale yellow, often tinged purple, with 12–20 ray flowers but no disc flowers. The bracts are also often tinged purple. It flowers from July until September in the northern hemisphere. The achenes are grey, tipped with bristles. The pappus is white with equal length hairs. Similar to Mycelis muralis but showing more than 5 florets. It can cause pulmonary emphysema in cattle feeding exclusively on the plant. Lactuca serriola can be eaten as a salad, although it has something of a bitter taste. Young leaves can be eaten raw or cooked. Older leaves can be steamed. While unsubstantial, its roots have been used as a coffee substitute. Its presence in some ancient deposits has been linked more to its soporific properties which might suggest ritual use. The Ancient Greeks also believed its pungent juice to be a remedy against eye ulcers and Pythagoreans called the lettuce eunuch because it caused urination and relaxed sexual desire. The Navajo used the plant as a ceremonial emetic. In the island of Crete in Greece the leaves and the tender shoots of a variety called maroula (μαρούλα) or agriomaroulo (αγριομάρουλο) are eaten boiled. It is used by a growing number of Jews and Samaritans as the Maror (bitter herb) on Pesach.[citation needed] Lactuca serriola contains lactucarium, which is the milky sap (white latex) that flows through the stem of the plant. It is used as a medicinal herb when dried after contact with air. Although the standard definition of lactucarium requires its production from Lactuca virosa, it was recognized that smaller quantities of lactucarium could be produced in a similar way from Lactuca sativa and Lactuca canadensis var. elongata, and even that lettuce-opium obtained from Lactuca serriola or Lactuca quercina was of superior quality. Lactuca serriola,也称为多刺莴苣,奶蓟(不要与水飞蓟混淆,也称为奶蓟),罗盘植物和scarole,是雏菊科蒲公英部落的一年生或二年生植物。它有轻微的恶臭气味,通常被认为是果园、路边和大田作物的杂草。它是栽培莴苣(Lactuca sativa L.)最近的野生近缘种。 Lactuca serriola 被称为指南针植物,因为在阳光下,上部叶子会扭曲以保持边缘直立。 Lactuca serriola 原产于欧洲、亚洲和北非,并已在其他地方归化。 Lactuca serriola 有一个无刺的淡红色茎,含有乳白色的乳胶,长到 2 米(6 英尺 7 英寸)。 当它们到达顶部时,叶子会逐渐变小。它们是长圆形或披针形,通常呈羽状裂片,并且(尤其是下部叶子)呈蜡状灰绿色。沿叶脉和叶缘有细刺。下侧有白色脉络。它们在切割时会散发出乳胶。 花头宽 1-1.5 厘米(1⁄2-1⁄2 英寸),[10] 淡黄色,通常略带紫色,有 12-20 朵放射状花,但没有圆盘花。苞片也经常染成紫色。它在北半球从七月到九月开花。瘦果是灰色的,顶端有刚毛。冠毛是白色的,有等长的毛。 与壁菌类似,但有超过 5 朵小花。 它可导致仅以植物为食的牛的肺气肿。 Lactuca serriola 可以作为沙拉食用,虽然它有一些苦味。嫩叶可以生吃或煮熟。老叶可以蒸。虽然没有实质意义,但它的根已被用作咖啡替代品。 它在一些古代沉积物中的存在更多地与其催眠特性有关,这可能暗示着仪式用途。古希腊人还认为它的辛辣汁液可以治疗眼部溃疡,毕达哥拉斯学派称莴苣为太监,因为它会引起排尿和放松性欲。纳瓦霍人使用这种植物作为仪式催吐剂。在希腊的克里特岛,一种叫做maroula (μαρούλα) 或ριομάρουλο) 的叶子和嫩芽被煮熟后食用。它被越来越多的犹太人和撒玛利亚人用作逾越节上的 Maror(苦药)。[需要引证] Lactuca serriola &a
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