Let It Roll 2023 | Official Aftermovie

A heartfelt THANK YOU for making this year an indelible memory 🔥 ❤️‍🔥 Remember, the next edition looms on the horizon. We’re eagerly counting down the moments until we reunite in our drum & bass heaven again! 🫶 🚀 Tickets for Let It Roll 2024: 🚀 🔊 Mixdown and master sfx: Acray, Picapica 🎞 Production: Forma produkce 2023 ❗️ Direction: Jiří Straka 🎥 Camera: Jan Kratochvíl, Dominik Šlambora, Antonín Starý, Jiří Straka, Kryštof Kučera 🎤 Interviews director: Insar Shaken 📹 POV cam: Monika Žďárková, Jiří Straka 🚁 Dron shots: Filip Doubrava, 🏃‍♂️ Runner: Kateřina Hrušková ✂️ Edit...: Forma produkce 🔪 DIT: Michal Barbuščák Ԃ
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