Adele New Single Rolling in the Deep - Carnival Choreography by Aliya Perry

I really wasn’t that familiar with Adele, but I watched her perform this song on Dancing with the Stars and I was sold. I LOVED the feel of it. It was a pleasure to perform this piece with 12 amazing female dancers. They all left their hearts on the stage. They performed, but also tapped into the emotion of Adele’s voice and message. INSPIRATION AT IT’S BEST! Much love. Dancers: Aliya Perry, Amelia Burkhardt, Lindsay Russo, Tinelle Matlock, Reyna Banks, Teri Corcoran, Paulina Pulido, Cobey Chang, Natalie Davis, Naomi Okazaki, Sakie Fujii, Tawnya Ahlgren and Punky Kolquist Follow on Twit...ter @aliyaperry Contact for Booking: aliyaperry@ Come take class: Tuesdays @ 7pm at IDA Hollywood.
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