Reminder for British citizens to have gas masks handy in case of attack (1941)

GAUMONT BRITISH NEWSREEL (REUTERS) To license this film, visit British civilians should carry gas masks at all times and know proper procedures for using them Full Description: SLATE INFORMATION: Have You Got Your Gas Mask With You? GASMASKS HAVE YOU GOT YOUR GAS MASK? (Trailer) TRAILERS Have you got your Gas Mask? Home Front; Public Information Material public service announcement, PSA, Civil Defence Service, ARP, Air Raid Precautions, warden, World War II, World War Two, Second World War, war, wear, wearing, street, MofI, Ministry of Information, World War 2 Background: British civilians should carry gas masks at all times and know proper procedures for using them FILM ID: VLVACG3J9Y4HJXSA5G0N38FIET9XV To license this film, visit Archive
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