“...Sibyl said there is no future where Daisy Johnson lets her sister fight alone...“
▸ Doctor Who, Agents of , The Cry, The Serpent
▸ Song:
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#DoctorWho #AgentsofSHIELD #TheCry
Clara and Daisy are sisters. Fitz and Clara are married. But on one of the missions Fitz dies. Clara goes through a difficult stage in her life. The team is trying to support her. But Clara cannot live with this pain. She arranges an accident but survives. Daisy is always by her side. Clara accidentally learns that Daisy, by her powers, provoked the collapse of the building. And because of this, Fitz died. Daisy maintained silence about it. Clara finds it unbearable to know that her sister was involved in Fitz’s death. She decides to become an inhuman and take revenge. Clara gains powers and uses them for evil. But she still misses Daisy because they have always been inseparable. Clara learns that her powers are capable of destroying th