S1E2.6. Mustafa’s first Friday prayer. Hürrem becomes a favorite concubine. Eng voice

Magnificent Century Season 1 Episode 2 Part 6 Mustafa’s first Friday prayer. Predictions from the chief soothsayer. Hürrem becomes a favorite concubine and moves to the favorites floor. İbrahim, we’re not going to the school, right? No. We are going to the mosque for the Friday prayer. Then we will hear the people, for their wishes and praises. Am I going to pray too? Yes, it will be your lesson for today. You will learn how to perform a prayer. From now on, you will pray every Friday with His Majesty at Hagia Sophia. I will pray for my father, I want him to love me, play with me and take me hunting. Sümbül Agha is here. He awaits an audience. Why are you late, Sümbül Agha? I’ve been waiting since this morning. What did the chief soothsayer say? He said it was too long to say, so he wrote it down. Read it to me. We asked about Sultan Süleyman Khan our tenth padishah who ascended the throne 10 centuries after the Hegira. The fact that we have 10 fingers and 10 toes and the fact that the Holy Book was revealed in 10 chapters in the tenth month the fact that the Old Testament has 10 commandments that our prophet spread Islam with his 10 followers shows that our tenth padishah represents the perfect number and that he is the caliph of Allah on Earth that he will own every land from where the sun rises to where it sets. We have concluded that he is a person that comes once in a century, and his reign will go beyond the land and the sea. My padishah! My padishah! My padishah! My padishah! My padishah! Long live the padishah and the empire! Don’t be arrogant, Allah is greater! Long live the padishah! May your sword be sharp! Long live the padishah! Don’t be proud, my padishah! Allah is greater than you! May your sword be sharp! Tell me. Come on. So strong. And so handsome. You spent two nights there. What did you do? I told you it was not going to be one night, but 1001 nights. I knew you could do it. You love me, right? You wouldn’t put a spell on me. Pack your things, Alexandra. You are moving out of the wing. You will have a new chamber. My name is Hürrem. Alexandra is forbidden. His Majesty gave her the name. We are supposed to call her Hürrem. If that’s the name she is given, we will call her that. Hürrem is not a Russian slave anymore, she is now a favourite concubine. Here you go, Lady Daye. Hürrem. Lady Hürrem. Our sultan sent this for you. Kiss her hand, fool. Thank her. His Majesty sent you a gift. Hürrem? Yes. His Majesty gave her the name. She said we have to call her Hürrem now. She said, “Alexandra died. Hürrem was born.“ Hürrem. Hürrem with the eyes of a snake. The snake. Don’t act like a child. Be smart. Elevation to this floor and this chamber is important. But staying here and going further is more important. You have many rivals. They will try laying traps for you. Keep your eyes open. Don’t fight everyone. Who am I talking to? You are just playing. This is no place for games. Let’s dance! Hürrem! Good job. Come on, Mustafa! Hold it tighter, Mustafa! Strike! Your Majesty. These are the Friday petitions. Would you like to see them? Of course. Let’s see what my subjects want. Pick one and read it. Come on, Mustafa! Your Majesty we are merchants in Galata. We trade in cotton. But the taxes bear hard on us. We are aware that paying taxes to the empire is our duty. But the Venetians buy cheap goods from us and sell our goods abroad for large profits since they pay less customs tax. We surrender ourselves to your justice. Did you hear that, Piri Pasha? What did I tell you? Double the taxes for the Venetians. And lower the merchants’ minimum price. I will deliver your orders to the chief treasurer. Any more, Pargalı? The Janissaries and Akinjis want to go on campaign. A big one. They are saying, The infidels have large spoils of war waiting to be taken. We should go and take it. Just yesterday, Ferhat Pasha took 7000 janissaries to deal with that traitor Canberdi Gazali. A large campaign requires long preparation. Rhodes is my first goal. When the navy and the cannons are ready I will conquer Rhodes which my late father and grandfather failed to conquer. Come on, Mustafa! Strike! Where is my Mustafa? He left with İbrahim this morning. He was going to be with His Majesty during the Friday Parade. Mustafa is your treasure. He should have your full attention. His happiness and a good upbringing. You will always be happy, Mahidevran. I don’t want to see a sad sultan in this harem. Hatice, my daughter. Get everyone together for tonight. Let’s plan an entertainment with music and food. It would cheer us all up. That would be great. I’ll take care of it and tell Daye. If you allow me, I would like to check on Mustafa. Wait, I’m coming too. I want to see everyone with a smile at the dinner. Of course, Mother. Excuse me.
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