Five Buddhas, 5 Wisdoms, 5 Mantras: Their Practices, Symbols, Seed Syllables, and Visualizations
Who are the five Great Conquering Buddhas and what are their five Wisdoms? Why are they so important in daily Mahayana Buddhist practice? How are they different from Shakyamuni Buddha, who was born into our world?
5 Buddhas CONTENTS
00:00-02:34 The “Mind Universe” of the Five Buddhas
02:35-03:38 Shakyamuni Taught the 5 Wisdoms to Remedy 5 Poisons
03:39-04:32 The “Map” or Mandala of the 5 Dhyani Buddhas
04:33-06:33 Which Wisdom Buddha to Practice for Each Poison
06:33-08:06 Mind mirrors the Cosmos: Exploring the 5 Buddha Purelands
08:07-09:42 The coordinates on the Mind Map: Symbolism, Color, Mantras
09:43-13:02 Buddha Nature and How to “Become a Buddha”
13:03-14:37 Center: VAIROCHANA - Practices, Symbols, Wisdom, Mantra
14:38-17:17 West: AMITABHA - Practices, Symbols, Wisdom, 4 Mantras
17:18-19:14 North: AMOGHASIDDHI - Practices, Symbols, Wisdom, Mantra
19:15-21:13 East: AKSHOBHYA - Practices, Symbols, Wisdom, Mantra
21:14-23:07 South: RATNASAMBHAVA - Practices, Symbols, Wisdom, Mantra
23:08 - Short Daily Practice of ALL FIVE BUDDHAS
In this presentation we’ll introduce the important Five Buddha Mandala, and the symbolism and mantras of the five Buddhas. In other presentations we’ll explore each Buddha family one-by-one, with their practices and mantras.
The Mantras are:
VAIROCHANA in the Center of the Mandala, seed syllable OM:
Om Vairochana Hum
AMITABHA in the West of the Mandala, seed syllable HRIH:
Om Amitabha Hrih
Om Ami Deva Hrih
Namo Amitabha Buddhaya
Namo Amitabhaya
AMOGHASIDDHI in the North of the Mandala, seed syllable AH
Om Amoghasiddhi Ah Hum
AKSHOBHYA in the East, seed syllable Hum
Om Akshobhya Hum
RATNASAMBHAVA in the South, seed syllable TRAM
Om Ratnasambhava Tram
The Five Buddhas are often called the Buddhas of the Five Wisdoms or the Buddhas of the Five Directions. This map-like language is not accidental.
We will explore each of the galaxies of the Five Wisdom Buddhas in future presentations but we’ll summarize here for some helpful context and include their mantras.
Each Buddha family has a Father Buddha representing Compassion and a Mother Buddha representing Wisdom.
Each, have a mantra representing the essence of wisdom and a seed syllable. Each Buddha Family has a Pureland, which is the purity and manifestation of that wisdom and compassion in the pure, spacious mind of Buddha.
Each has a color representing an activity, a Wisdom that focuses on a poison, an aggregate or personality called a skandha, a direction on the mandala, and an emblematic symbol.
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