Godless North - Everlasting Winter Winds

Nebular Carcoma announces July 2nd as the international release date for Godless North’s classic first demo, Dark Rites of the Mystic Order, on vinyl LP format. For those who dwelled in the ’90s black metal underground, Godless North should need no introduction. Hailing from the frozen wastes of Canada and guided by the iron fist of mainman Othalaz, Godless North quickly perfected a grim ’n’ ghoulish sort of black metal that ran parallel to the contemporaneous paradigms in the Polish and French scenes, as well as the earliest (and best) conjurings from the larger Scandinavian scene. But unlike so much black metal hailing from North America during the ’90s, Godless North put their own murderous, deliriously unbalanced spin on such, which would further be corroborated by the extracurricular activities of Othalaz at the time. And while Godless North would release a cult-classic split 7“ with Nargaroth, Apolokia, and Decayed in 2001 on the late/great Sombre Records - to say
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