Her - Video Game Scene: The Potty-Mouthed Alien Child [Hilarious]

From the 2013 film “Her“. The Video game scene where Theodore meets a vulgar, hilarious potty mouthed alien child. Watch until the very end, this whole scene is so funny, it made me cry and almost choke & die, I laughed so hard! Consider Subscribing! - FOLLOW US ON TWITTER! Leave a like,fav, comment and SUB for monkeys!!! Cuz monkeys are awesome. Help us out and makes us Happy!!! :) AWC GOTTI plays the most anticipated game V! And does a complete walk-through for the main story also with some random gameplay thrown into the mix with live commentary. Enjoy, and much more to come. K...eep an eye out for our GTA V CE giveaway. Follow us on Twitter @AWC_Dynamic to stay updated! Pick up your Elgato Game Capture HD today from here: =sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1378933774&sr=8-1&keywords=elgato Tons of More uploads
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