We roll 6 deep or more. Big_Jilm_39, lk0l2nl, Panteralandia, StinkPickle, Anti-Vaxx Karen, and Aloysius Devadander Abercrombie. We all upload and share.
We do Rust videos, and GTA Online videos.
Jilm Island PVE/PVP is a noob-friendly PVE ( People Vs. Environment ) server only. PvP is allowed however in our radiable bases domes.
We do not raid nor do we fight with each other. This is the snow-flake safe-space for Rusters. Many players want to learn the mechanics of the game without worrying about getting murdled or raided every five seconds. Jilm Island is not JUST for noob
...s. It can be for seasoned vets to come in and play around and sharpen their skills.“,
“There are only a few rules on the server but they are non-nonnegotiable.
Jilm Island PvPvE - connect (radiable bases)
Jilm Island PVP - connectShow more