Nation 2024: Vue Fortified: Best Practices for Web App Security by Ramona Schwering (Дата оригинальной публикации:

In today’s world, it’s crucial to prioritize the security of your application. All the data stored in it should be kept safe and protected, just like the inhabitants of a fortress that rely on high walls for their defense. However, history and movies have shown that even the strongest walls can’t withstand an attack if there are weak points that can be exploited. This is also true for VueJS applications. Join Ramona Schwering for a concise, practical session on fortifying your apps against security threats and implementing best practices. 🎓 Visit Vue School - 📗 Master Nuxt 3 with the only Official Nuxt 3 Course 🍍 Master Pinia with the Author of Pinia, Eduardo San Martin Morote 🛠 Learn to build a scalable App from Scratch using the latest & greatest technologies in the most comprehensive Masterclass 📜 Get Certified with the Official Certification Program 🔥 Get the Ultimate Vue Bundle 📩 Contact us at team@
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