CITIZENS REPORT 3/8/2023 - Prepare for war!? Say NO / Support for alternative economic pathway

1. Prepare for war!? Say NO to orders from military industrial complex 2. Support for alternative economic pathway provokes desperate attacks Presented by Elisa Barwick and Richard Bardon Donate to support the Citizens Party campaigns: For cheques and direct deposits, call 1800 636 432 Email, call, and join delegations to see MPs: info@ Email and call the PM’s office and your local MP’s office in Canberra to demand they do more: Contact PM Albanese (this is a portal which is effectively the only way to contact Albanese, so flood it.): Contact your MP (search by name or electorate): (EXTE...NDED TO AUGUST 20!)Make a submission on the exposure draft of the Communications Legislation Amendment (Combatting Misinformation and Disinformation) Bill 2023: Become a member of the Australian Citizens Party: MOBILISE AND CONTACT YOUR MEMBERS AND SENATORS!: Visit the Citizens Party Campaigns page for a run down of the branch closure media coverage: Sign the Citizens Party Petition to create an Australia Post Bank!: Subscribe to the Australian Alert Service: Sign up for ACP media releases: 00:00 Intro 01:34 Topic 1: Prepare for war!? Say NO to orders from military industrial complex 35:33 Topic 2: Support for alternative economic pathway provokes desperate attacks 54:48: End Credits
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