Rockman 8 FC - Ending & Credits

You can support both Mega Man AND me through Nexus: And now we get the ending. Wily begs for forgiveness, the Evil Energy tries to take Mega Man, the fortress collapses, Duo shows up for like the first time in the entire game, heals Mega Man while we get flashbacks to previous games, and then Proto Man takes him home as Duo leaves. And that concludes Rockman 8 FC. Compared to 7 FC, it definitely feels like a step down, mostly because some changes don’t feel properly compensated for the shift, which makes the game overall much harder than it really needs to be. Anyway, the next fangame I tac...kle will most likely be Mega Man: SFR. __ If you want to send a tip: You can also follow me on Twitter: I don’t post much, but here I am.
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