Parts of the Body Song

Use this Body Parts Song for learning about the Parts of the Body, it can be such a fun experience, especially when you can learn them while singing and moving! Get unlimited teaching resources: Each part of the body is important for different reasons and each body part has a special purpose. This Parts of the Body Song teaches the following body parts: Head, Eyes, Nose, Ears, Mouth, Neck, Shoulders, Stomach, Arms, Elbows, Hands, Fingers, Legs, Knees, Feet, and Toes. Parts of the Body Worksheets: human-body worksheets/ Parts of the Body Activities: human-body activities/ Science Songs: videos/ SUBSCRIBE: iTunes: Spotify: Pinterest: Facebook: This Parts of the Body Song will provide your kids with a fun way to learn body parts and can be use as a great brain break activity as well! Your kids will love this body parts song!
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