Korea Tests Its First New Generation KF-21 Fighter Jet

What do the US, China, Russia, the UK, France, and Sweden have in common? You can’t guess? The fact that these countries are capable of building modern supersonic fighters. But it seems that one more country has appeared in this elite row - South Korea, which made a real sensation with its KF-21 Boramae aircraft, which translates from Korean as Young Hawk. And it is even more surprising, as this country has practically no aviation history. Before the KF-21, South Korea boasted the KT-1 Woongbi subsonic single-engine turboprop trainer and the T-50 two-seat supersonic combat trainer. And then bang, and a Generation 4 multi-role fighter took to the skies! In this video, we will talk about this airplane and reflect on its future. Watch it till the end, it will be interesting!
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