How to Write a Comic Book | Part 1: Brainstorming

#writingcomics #makingcomics #howtowriteacomicbook When I think about how I write comics, I do it in 3 steps: BRAINSTORMING, OUTLINING & SCRIPTING. I’ll do a video on all of these, but first, let’s talk BRAINSTORMING, the step where there are NO BAD IDEAS! Here, I just need to get all of the random story thoughts OUT of my head and ON to the page. I let the story percolate in my mind for a bit, while also writing individual ideas down as they come to me on any piece of paper I can find, and in whatever order I think of them. My brainstorming notes are messy, grammatically incorrect, out of order, and sometimes filled with ideas that don’t make it into the final story. But that’s okay! No one is going to see this part except you! You’ll have time to organize these notes when you’re ready to move on to the outlining phase, which is where you’ll start putting the story elements together and building the structure. Once I have enough
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