#14 | 5am Morning Routine Living Off Grid in the Mountains
5am Morning Routine Living Off Grid. Use my code EUGENIA to get $20 off your Brooklinen’s order over $100 at
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We haven been facing a heatwave this past weeks and readjusting to survive has been key. Here is everything I did living off grid in our garden and tiny home. Come tour our permaculture garden, harvest our lunch, cook breakfast and swim in the lake.
I embarked on the journey to turn our abandoned land into a green haven, building my own home, living off grid and becoming as self-sufficient as I possible can :)
I live now in a self built cabin and everything is running offgrid. The goal for the year was to create a place more in balance with planet earth, to grow my own food and life a more self sufficient life 💛🌱🌸
Sit back and relax by watching my content :)
Thank you all so much, subscribe to follow the journey!
0:00 Intro
0:30 Sunrise in the garden
1:49 Cottage garden tour and juice harvest
3:21 Homegrown organic green juice
4:36 A tiny house with a view :)
4:46 A special package has arrived
6:46 Harvesting fruit for breakfast bowl
7:39 Gluten free buckwheat granola (oat-free and vegan)
9:23 Vegan Pistachio milk (in less that 1 min.)
10:03 Harvesting today’s lunch
11:44 The story of my oregano plant
12:29 My first Dahlia bouquet from the garden
13:14 Breakfast is ready
13:46 Preparing breakfast in the porch
14:34 Slow morning during a heat wave
15:00 Biking and swimming in the lake
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