Indian Birds Sounds - Part 1 @IndianBirdVideos #indian_bird_sounds #bird_calls

Indian Bird Sounds is a web series aimed to bring the sound of Indian birds online. Starting now we will periodically publish such videos containing sounds/calls of Indian birds captured in their natural environment. In Part 1 of the series the sounds of the following birds are published: 00:00 Indian Birds Sounds Part 1 00:12 Ashy Prinia 00:59 Orange Headed Ground Thrush 01:42 Rufous Treepie 02:38 Asian Koel 03:48 Red Vented Bulbul 04:43 Red Wattled Lapwing 05:51 Indian Bush Lark 06:28 Black Winged Stilt 07:18 Clamorous Reed Warbler 08:32 Oriental Magpie Robin 09:21 White Breasted Waterhen Location : India ************************************************************************************** Part 2 : ************************************************************************************** #indian_bird_sounds #bird_sounds ******************************************************
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