Flat Earth - Conversation with Athena and Aneeka - Extraterrestrial Contact

In today´s video Robert talks to Athena and Aneeka about Flat Earth, and different arguments Flat Earthers use to sustain their theories. In the second part of the video I pass to Aneeka several of the audience´s questions. Thank you CLAUDIA for providing voice for Aneeka. Thank you DANIEL JAMES for providing voice for Robert: Our website with transcripts and forums: COSMIC AGENCY WORLD CRISIS SUPPORT CENTER: Telegram: PETITIONS ONLY: FB: TO SUPPORT COSMIC AGENCY WORK: Thank you! :) ALL THE VIDEOS FROM THE BEGINNING (Playlist): COSMIC AGENCY UNCENSORED ON ODYSEE: @CosmicAgency:c SECOND COSMIC AGENCY CHANNEL (Back Up): ?
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