#Pastor Shadilay WATCH PARTY Perkins for US Senate, Oregon Live Stream

Multistreaming with Jo Rae Perkins is a ConstitutionaL Conservative Republican, running for the US Senate nomination to unseat Senator Jeff Merkley. Jo Rae Perkins spoke on February 13, 2020 at the Klamath County Oregon Republican Party Central Committee Meeting, held at the Waffle Hut in Klamath Falls, Oregon. The chair of the Klamath County Democrats noted 2 candidates running for the nomination to take on Senator Merkley were speaking, she encouraged the Democrats to show up to the meeting. They were welcomed at the meeting. In this video recording, you will see how easily Jo Rae Perkins is able to engage the Democrats. We are one Oregon, one Nation Under God, and we must re-unite to remain indivisible. For more on Jo Rae Perkins, please go to .
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