earth quake today in Burma mawlaik, district sagaing |deadly magnitude hits near sagaing # dangerous
India’s National Center for Seismology (NCS) reported a magnitude 4.8 quake in Myanmar (Burma) near Mawlaik, Mawlaik District, Sagaing Region, only 18 minutes ago. The earthquake hit around noon on Sunday, April 30th, 2023, at 12:56 pm local time at a shallow depth of 10 km. The exact magnitude, epicenter, and depth of the quake might be revised within the next few hours or minutes as seismologists review data and refine their calculations, or as other agencies issue their report.
Our monitoring service identified a second report from the citizen-seismograph network of RaspberryShake which listed the quake at magnitude 4.5. Other agencies reporting the same quake include Thailand’s Earthquake Observation Division (TMD) at magnitude 4.9, and the German Research Centre for Geosciences (GFZ) at magnitude 4.5.
earth quake today in Burma sagaing
biggest earthquake today in Burma sagaing
dangerous earthquake today in Burma sagaing #dangerous #mk #research #biggboss #china_photography_tiktok #powerful #reaction #reset #largest #latestnews #
The . earth quake updates in especially today in Burma
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