Traditional Spanish omelette with ONLY 3 ingredients! 🇪🇸 Cheap, fast and incredibly DELICIOUS! 😋

Traditional Spanish omelette with ONLY 3 ingredients! 🇪🇸 Cheap, fast and incredibly DELICIOUS! 😋 👩‍🍳 Cook with me: ✅ Ingredients Sunflower oil 2 Onions Salt 5 Potatoes 4 eggs Pepper 📁 Chapters 00:00 Put 4 tablespoons of sunflower oil in a pan 00:05 Cut 2 Onions 00:10 Hello my dears and welcome to a new recipe! 00:17 Today I will share with you a delicious potato omelette recipe 00:22 Add the onion to the pan 00:26 A little salt 00:31 Fry for 2-3 minutes on low heat 00:37 Write me a comment from which country are you viewing the recipe? 00:46 5 Potatoes cut into thin slices 01:05 Add ...the potatoes to the pan 01:10 And fry for 10 minutes on low heat 01:17 If you’ve made it this far, keep watching so you don’t miss important details! 01:29 4 Eggs 01:49 Pepper 01:56 Salt 02:01 Mix as needed 02:16 I wish you to have a productive day! 02:29 Add 3-4 tablespoons of sunflower oil 02:46 Pour eggs over potatoes 03:02 Cover with a lid and fry for 5-6 minutes on low heat or until browned 03:15 The most delicious BREAKFAST I’ve ever eaten 😋 Quick potato omelette recipe 03:28 Turn the omelet on the other side and leave to fry for another 4 minutes 04:01 Look how good it looks and how delicious our omelette with potatoes is 04:14 Write me in a comment how this recipe turned out for you? 04:30 Thank you for viewing our recipe! 04:38 Good appetite! 🥰 Dear friends, if you liked this recipe, you can help expand the channel: ✅ Rate this video 👍 - I will be grateful and it will help me develop the channel further. ✏ Write in a comment how you succeeded with this recipe or ask a question about the recipe, I will answer you with pleasure. 📢 You can also share this video to your friends on social media to share with them the food you want to cook. Get notified when a new recipe comes out, press the bell 🔔 and turn on all notifications so you don’t miss a quick and tasty recipe video. SUBSCRIBE NOW: #recipes #breakfast #recipebreakfast spanish omelette recipe in bengali, spanish omelette recipe indian style, spanish omelette recipe by cooking with arshi, spanish omelette recipe malayalam, spanish omelette recipe food fusion, spanish omelette recipe in hindi, spanish omelette recipe vismai food, spanish omelette recipe gordon ramsay, spanish omelette recipe without potatoes, spanish omelette recipe oven, spanish omelette recipe breakfast recipe quick \u0026 easy spanish omelette, spanish omelette recipe in english, spanish omelette recipe tamil, cooking, recipe, omelette, tortilla de patatas, spanish omelette, food, tortilla de patatas (dish), eggs, breakfast, spanish tortilla, tortilla española, potato omelette, spanish, how to, cook, omelette (dish), spanish food, diet, diet (industry), spanish omelet, egg recipes, asmr, yt:cc=on, asmr cooking, omelet, tortilla, omelete, potatoes, potato, recipes, quick and easy recipes, 아침식사, 아침메뉴, 브런치, 일품요리, 점심 메뉴, easy spanish omelette, potato tortilla, easy tortilla de patatas, egg and potato omelette, eggs for breakfast, breakfast eggs, egg and potato recipes, egg and potato breakfast, brunch recipes 스페니쉬 오믈렛 레시피, essen rezepte, rezept, rezepte, ei rezept, lieblingsrezepte, einfaches rezept, billiges rezept, omelett mit nur 3 zutaten, gesunde rezepte, ei rezepte, köstliches rezept, kreative rezepte, frühstück, pfannenrezept, frühstück rezept, leckeres rezept, einfache rezepte, eier rezepte, mittagessen, kartoffelrezept, ei-rezept, frühstücksrezept, einfaches ei rezept, tortilla di patate, frittata di patate, frittata spagnola, omelette spagnola, tortilla spagnola, tortilla original, ristorante michelin, spanish chef, french omelette, tortilla de papas, spanish omelete, onion, onions, tasty, tortilla de patata, simple meals to cook, simple meals for beginners, learn how to cook, spanish omlette, spanish omelette indian style, spanish omelette marco pierre white, spanish omelette with cheese, spanish recipe, potato (food), healthy diet (diet), new, receta, easy, perfect eggs, omelette recipes pakistani, easy omelet, how to make an omelet, vegetable omelet, healthy omelet, step by step chef, spanish tortilla de patatas, country style omelette, country style eggs, tortilla de patatas recipe, potato omelette recipe, omelette recipe, easy to make omelette, easy to make potato omelette, country omelette, eggs with potatoes, have potatoes at home, delicious homemade recipes, quick dinner, potato dish, yummy, potato recipes, potatoes and eggs recipe, breakfast recipes, kitchen, spain, spanish show, cooking omelette
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