This is first 20 minutes of Arc the Lad 3 for Playstation.
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Arc the Lad III is a tactical role-playing video game developed by ARC Entertainment and published by Sony Computer Entertainment exclusively for the PlayStation. The gameplay moves away from the more tactical aspects present in its predecessors, more like that of Final Fantasy and Dragon Quest. The battles have been scaled down as well as making the party size 4 rather than 5 and the battles get a new card-based summoning system.
The events of this game take place several ye
...ars after Elk and Arc faced their ultimate enemy in Arc the Lad II. You control Alec, a teenager whose entire village was destroyed by an unknown evil - an event that was later called “The Great Disaster“. He was saved by a mysterious Hunter. Since then, growing peacefully in a village he was brought to, which was like a new home for the survivors of the Great DShow more