#9 What I Eat in a Day (Summer) | Asian Home Cooking | Ăn Gì Một Ngày Hè Mát Trời {SUB}

People often ask me: why do I take a lot of food photos and I don’t make cooking videos. I love cooking but until now I haven’t used to filming cooking because during the filming, I can’t 100% focus on my cooking :) And I also like to eat right after cooking so the food is still hot! But I’m slowly learning to do that and improving myself. It will take a bit of practice though. So without further ado, here it is - may I introduce with you the vlog #9: What I Eat in a Day Link Blog ’What I Eat in a Day’ / Ăn gì một ngày hè mát trời: Vietnamese Home Cooking / Cơm nhà:
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