Battles - Fort Greene Park (Official Video)

Directed by Colin Read, Battles’ ‘Fort Greene Park’ video is a love letter to New York City, bringing together a small army of skaters, cyclists, joggers, scooterists, rollerbladers, and veritably every other method of self-transport into an extended crew of DIY transportation-enthusiasts. ‘Fort Greene Park’ features on Battles’ new album ‘Juice B Crypts’, available now on WARP → “A lot of things going on here for me. My daughter called her little brother Juice B Crypts when he was born. I didn’t know what that meant. But here the opening shot is of him climbing the Prison Ships Martyr Monument in Fort Greene Park, which is an actual crypt, and near to where I lived for 13 years. The place played a central role in my life for a long time. On another level, one of the guys from the building where I live rides an E-Unicycle around my neighborhood and was the original kernel of an idea for this video. So he and his friends are the e-unicyclists. My daughter and her kindergarten friends are the kids on the scooters. Other friends of ours are some of the skaters. And Colin elevated the concept of the video extending it into a broader story about the evolution of human transport which is a contentious issue these days in our city of New York. But in the end, it just a love letter to the place we live. New York City.” – Ian (Battles) Can you guess all of the modes of transport used in the video? Comment your answers below, and who knows... xxxWx Rxx xxAxAxxxx xxCxxxx xxOOxxx RxxxxxxxxxEx xxGx xxxxK SxxxxxxAxx xxLLxxxxxxxx xxxxxxx xRxxx Wxxxxx x-Sxxxxxx x-xxKx xxOxx x-xxxxD Oxx-Wxxxx x-UxxCxxxx Jxxxxxx Sxxxxx xxxxLx xOxxx Hxxxxxxxxx
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