Jyc Row & Felicia Farerre - Night Queen VIP (elg. PrinceWhateverer)

INFINITE ECLIPSE’S PREQUEL MINI-STORIES: INFINITE ECLIPSE’S INFORMATION / LORE: “Remember this day for it was your last. From this moment forth, the night will last forever!“ - A priestess of the Cult of the Moon Happy Halloween / Nightmare Night everyone! :D So, here it is! A VIP (variation in progression) version of the song I made last March with Felicia Farerre ( this time featuring some amazing guitars by PrinceWhateverer! I wanted to remake the track and add some electronic synths and stuff like that, as I was a bit inspired by Shingeki no Kyojin’s OSTs. Everything combined, with the composition restructured, was wonderfully mixed and mastered by Cody Sorenson. I really like how this new
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