Ortiz Shows World Class (1949)

Thought to be Selected Originals from late 1940s material. Paris, France. Boxer Manuel Ortiz beats Theo Medina on points. LV Elevated boxers leave corners and spar up to each other. MV Fighters slugging each other in centre of boxing ring. Medina doing most of the attacking. They clinch. SV Theo Medina chops with his right. Ortiz replies with two-fisted attack to the face. MV Medina goes down. Manuel Ortiz is sent to corner Ball goes. Medina gets up off floor pan as he walks to his corner. SV Fight fans looking on. MV Theo Medina and Manuel Ortiz at close quarter in centre of ring. Ortiz lands a left swing and knocks Medina into ropes. He bounces off and they spar up. SV Ortiz attacks with left and right. then leads with straight left. MV Ortiz knocks Medina on ropes. Lands vicious left at body the lands left and right to body and knocks Medina down with a right swing. Referee starts counting. SV Medina on floor. Referee counting Medina gets up. MV Ortiz pummelling Medina in centre of ring Gives a right
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