RAISY - Quake III Arena - Nightmare! Difficulty No Deaths Speedrun World Record
Date of the Run: 15 January 2023
With load times: 39:
Without load times: 38:
I used these baseq3\ commands:
I was switching between close-up and far range zoom when I reached the space maps.
bind k “cg_zoomfov 95“
bind l “cg_zoomfov 50“
I made the LG beam not be delayed.
cg_trueLightning “1“
I had the simple items turned on for personal preference.
cg_simpleItems “1“
Had the FPS and the Timer displayed during the run.
cg_drawTimer “1“
cg_drawfps “1“
I used this FOV:
cg_fov “120“
Used the approved
com_maxfps “333“
for consistent max jump height,
and so I also needed to use:
sv_fps “250“
so that the game wasn’t stuttering.
I started off the run by restarting the map vs Crash so that she immediately spawns into the arena instead of at 12 seconds, making it faster to complete the first map.
map_restart “0“
I did something similar for DM18: Space Chamber to start the map off by getting a spawn telefrag.
I turned off the BOTs chatting, so that they don’t idle around wasting time.
bot_nochat “1“
I turned off the gore to be more family-friendly. /kek
com_blood “0“
I used 800 DPI with this in-game sensitivity with no accel:
sensitivity ““
Had to use these commands for the proper in-game resolution (which also makes cinematic cutscenes be a black screen for some reason.)
r_mode “-1“
r_customwidth “1920“
r_customheight “1080“
I on purpose left the video settings be nice, as in: no fullbright and picmip, even though it would have helped with visibility, I just wanted a more default visual experience.
I on purpose didn’t use the forcemodel command for the same reason.
Due to me playing on the Vanilla Quake III Arena version (as I bought it on Steam) there is no way to turn off the screen shake when getting hit - it would require the OSP mod.
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