The Quantum Guides Show E186 Dave Weiss & Ryan Burns - FLAT EARTH: FACT OR FICTION?

In Episode 186, I am very happy to bring back my amazing guests: Dave Weiss (@FlatEarthDavidWeiss) and Ryan Patrick Burns (@heroparanormal6387). Join us as we discuss Flat Earth: Fact or Fiction? Thank you for liking and subscribing to our channels, and please do share this with your friends! Quantum Guides Show E80 Dave Weiss - FLAT EARTH THEORY: TRANSCENDING THE B.S. Dave Weiss’ Links: Official Websites: & Flat Earth Sun & Moon Clock app: Ryan Patrick Burn’s Links: YouTube: @heroparanormal6387 Website: Website: Karen Holton’s Links: • Link Tree: • Download my exclusive audio content found only on SPREAKER, Spotify, Apple, Podbean, iHeart,
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