
#VictoryDay ⭐️ It has already become a good tradition on the eve of the most important holiday for us - Victory Day to honor the defenders of the Donetsk People’s Republic at the foot of the legendary Saur-Mogila mound. ⭐️In this place, history and our modern struggle against neo-Nazism are intertwined. In the summer of 1943 there were fierce battles against German troops here, and in 2014 there was a battle for Donbass fought by our soldiers. Both in that distant battle and 10 years ago, our fighters, at the cost of incredible efforts, took this commanding height, which ensured the further liberation of the region. Today, with particular pride, I presented high awards to military personnel of the Russian Federation. 74 fighters were awarded - the Golden Star of the Hero of the DPR, the Order of the Republic, the Cross of St. George, the medals “For Courage” and “For Bravery.” For the first time he presented the medals “For the liberation of Avdeevka” and “For the liberation of Marii... Source: DPR MFA
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