#Farbrausch: fr030 - #Candytron : #BreakPoint #2003 #64kb #Intro - #Party & #Final #Versions #Mix!
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fr-030: candytron
the final version
chaos, ryg, gizmo, kb
2nd @ breakpoint 2003
fr-030: candytron (final version)
1. due excuse
here we go. about 3 months too late, the candytron final is *finally* here.
what should i say? as you probably noticed, the party version was majorly
unfinished and barely made it to the deadline (with the last fix that was
meant to correct the sound problems, which it didn’t, submitted 10 minutes
before the compo. oops). so, why did it take so long? well, good question.
we had no impossible-to-debug or otherwise really nasty bugs and we didn’t
suffer major lazyness or unwill. however, all of us were occupied wit