Hitman Will Have Hair in TV Series, Says Writer Derek Kolstad

Way back in 2017, Fox 21 and Hulu announced that John Wick creator Derek Kolstad had been tapped to write the pilot for a Hitman TV series based on the bestselling video game. There have already been two Hitman movies, one starring Timothy Olyphant, the other starring Rupert Friend, and both featuring the ever-deadly Agent 47 as traditionally depicted -- bald. However, the Hitman series that Kolstad has been planning will introduce the mysterious character with a full head of hair, only discovering his own barcode at the end of the pilot. Blasphemy, you say? Hardly! Allow Kolstad to explain. “I wrote Episode 1 and 2, and what was great is they let me come in [and] introduce a character like that to our post-modern world. And I did it very much like The Third Man meets Three Days in the Condor. You’re introduced to a guy who’s very much the hitman we know from the games, but he’s got a full head of hair, and he’s independent. He has a handler, he’s got a life, he’s very much that early ’80s, late ’70s assass
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