Matt Jah - A Different Dimension

Subscribe: Next up on Iono-Lounge we have another major release by ’Matt Jah’ called ’Spiritual Experience’. Each track in this EP was created as a medium, in every moment that he produced music, he felt guided by a higher energy in a deep active meditation. An experience that describes life itself as a spiritual journey into the here and now. This is his first psy chill musical EP that invites the listener to enter into a deeper dance and active meditation, to travel between the macrocosm and the microcosm, between the sounds of the Universe and the sounds of the nature of our earth. In this ep you will find sounds and instruments of all cultures and ethnicities of the world: from the Peruvian shipibo voice in “The Butterfly Spirit“ to Arabic sounds in “Spiritual Vibration“. Each song is a real cure for the soul that brings the listener into a high frequency to relax the mind, body and Spirit. Matt Jah - Spiritual Experience, released on . by IONO Lounge - INL1
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