Sutton Hoo - The Archaeology Behind Netflix’s The Dig | Dig it With Raven

The new Netflix film The Dig tells the story of Basil Brown and Edith Pretty as they work to uncover what has been called “the greatest single discovery in the history of British Archaeology”! Before you watch the film, why not learn about the archaeology behind Sutton Hoo so you can drop the hard core facts during your watch party! 🔴 SUBSCRIBE TO NEVER MISS A VIDEO 🔴 SUPPORT DIG IT WITH RAVEN WATCH NEXT ○ THE OLDEST KNOWN RECIPE IN THE WORLD ○ Was King Tut’s Curse Real? Sutton Hoo is a site located in the county of Suffolk in the southeast of England. Basil Brown’s first season of excavation took place in 1938, where a few smaller mounds were excavated. But nothing he found that year would prepare him for what he was to find in the summer of the next summer of 1939, Brown turned his attentions to the largest barrow on the site, known a
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