Earthquake In Fukui, Japan (1948)

Fukui, Japan. M.S. Casualties among the ruins. M.S. General scenes in the town of Fukui of ruins and devastation caused by the ’quake (4 shots) M.S. Casualty on stretcher being brought into open-air Red X station. M.S. Supervising staff of the Red X station (2 shots) M.S. Bringing in casualty at Red X station. . Mother kneeling by injured child on stretcher M.S. Wounded on stretcher at Red X post. C.U. Sign - ’Fukui’ M.S. Street scene with ruins on either side. (2 shots) M.S. Ruins scene with board reading ’Fukui’ in foreground. M.S. Aerial view of town of Fukui. (8 shots) M.S. Street scenes with ruins on either side. . Mother kneeling by wounded child. M.S. Upheaval, cracked concrete road, pan to ruins. M.S. Upheaval concrete road (3 shots) M.S. Women picking over ruins. . Injured types on stretcher at Red X post. (3 shots). M.S. Stretcher-carrying jeep with patient being taken to Red X post. M.S. Badly shattered, but still standing concrete building with women and children picking over ru
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