The Spinal Spur

An up-and-coming horseman of the apocalypse gets his first pony. Shenanigans ensue. Goodness, these projects keep getting bigger and bigger. I say this every single time, but this one went through multiple editing software updates, a huge burnout, lots of revisions, yadda yadda. I crammed so much into this video that I’m starting to think I should make behind-the-scenes videos. There’s so much random trivia and cut content. For example, did you know this was uploaded at high noon? Did you know this was uploaded on my birthday? Even the scheduling has significance. :0 Considering that each video has taken longer and longer to finish, this might be the last one for a while. I’ve had multiple ideas on the backburner forever now that I’d like to try out, alongside that 2nd-anniversary video I have gotta work on. I hope this isn’t the last one however, there is a handful of plotlines that I’ve been teasing throughout. I have an entire universe that is cooking up in my head sur
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