The Waxies - Down with the Ship

Текст с Bandcamp’а: “We cut beneath the blackened sky a line through salt-sea hell I brace myself against the helm and roll on demon swells I bark into the bitter wind, Hold fast! We’ll make it through Then a wiry hand of lightning cracks the mizzenmast in two The deck beneath my bootsoles heaves me forward through the spray And out over the bow I spy the Devil’s wave My ship begins to twist and break, three hundred souls below The sun will shine on lifeboats but the captain’s gotta go... Down with the ship! In my heart I know I won’t survive this trip Never home upon the land, I’m a seafaring man And tonight I’m going down with the ship! So tether my body to this wreck that I have made my home And cast off every lifeboat ’cause this end is mine alone Save the last seats for the swimmers, this storm is breaking soon While my head’s above the waterline I’ve still got work to do From flooding decks below I pull three hundred pairs of hands Stay alive despite the tempest, row north to your homeland I am poison in the Devil’s jaws! My castle I will keep! Heaven lies below for me in the cover of the deep from Down with the Ship, released September 15, 2015 C. Bardallis, J. Powers & The Waxies“
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